You are responsible for making sure that your invoices are paid, but if the payment method that you have provided fails for any reason we will try to notify you by e-mail (if e-mail address provided).
There will be a 5,00€ return debit charge and you will be able to make the missing payment either by calling us with any International Credit or Debit card, or by bank transfer to Dial Direct Telecom S.L. IBAN ES38 0049 4441 6828 1000 2149, quoting your client reference number or phone number in either case.
If the invoice is not paid by the end of the calendar month in which it was raised your service will be suspended until payment is made. The contracted services will automatically be cancelled if more than 2 invoices are outstanding, the appropriate cancellation fees will be charged and the debt will be passed to a third party debt collecting agency.