DT Total: Line Rental, FREE National/ International calls & Broadband Internet!
Since the year 2000, the independent Telecoms firm has steadily grown and unquestionably placed itself in a position to be considered one of the industry leaders by the European residents in Spain. The firm was one of the first in Europe to launch a fully integrated Broadband service with VoIP included and has consistently set the standards in the marketplace. Still today, dozens of amazing features included in the Direct Telecom Broadband package are completely unique to it which simply makes it incomparable.
Now, the company finally launches the highly anticipated DT Total service. This service fuses together all of the essentials to make one simple package that contains everything you need to have for just one price, on just OneBill with just one company and of course all in your language.
Direct Telecom has purposely taken the key money saving services and all the best features to create DT Total which now includes the Line Rental (no more bills from Movistar(Telefónica)), the low cost call service and the feature rich Broadband service that not only provides you with an extra 2 phone lines, but will also give you FREE National and International calls. Basically, you get all the bits and pieces you need rolled into one great bundle that costs only  24,97€/month (1st 3 months and then 49,95/month IVA not incl.) This package can save you over 800€/year in comparison with Movistar (Telefónica) as well as avoiding numerous headaches.
50% OFF! And to put the icing on the cake, the company has decided to launch this new service as part of the July “50% discount” campaign that also covers the DT OneBill at 6,98€ (Line Rental) service, DT Mobile Internet at 14,95€ (3G Dongle/MicroSIM) and the DT Broadband services from 14,95€.
Even the small print looks good!
Being sold something only to be disappointed when reading the small print is a situation that Direct Telecom wants to avoid altogether. Fortunately, with Direct Telecom even the small print is designed to save the customer money. The 50% discount campaign is applicable for the first 3 full months and will then revert to the standard monthly charge. In the case of DT Total however, even the standard monthly charge has been made cheaper!
And to finish off with some more good news, Direct Telecom has a new FREEPHONE number available for sales enquiries, customers services as well as technical support. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity and call now to hear all about it!
FREEPHONE: 900 DIR ECT (900 347 328)