Direct Telecom will send you an invoice around the 4th of each calendar month for the month which has just ended. The services you have contracted will be billed monthly in advance and any phone calls made will be billed monthly in arrears; for example, the September invoice would cover the services from 1st – 31st October and the calls from 1st to 30th September and be issued around the 4th of October.
If your service starts part way through a calendar month your first invoice will show the proportionate payment for this in addition to the normal monthly service charge; for example, if the service starts on 15th September, your September invoice (issued at the beginning of October) will show the proportionate service charge from the 15th – 30th September plus the service charge for the month of October in full, plus any calls made in September.
The payment for each monthly invoice will be taken via the authorised method between the 10th and 17th of the month, approximately a week to 10 days after the invoice has been e-mailed/posted to you. If you have any queries regarding the invoice make sure that you contact Direct Telecom as soon as possible so we are able to try to rectify any errors before payment is taken. If payment is taken before the error is identified you will have 3 months from the date of issue of the invoice in order to reclaim the erroneous amount.