Listen To Messages

You have the option to listen to your voice messages from home or even from another telephone in another place (Remote access to your phone service- personal access code required (default code 0000 is not permitted) – see section -access code options).


Option 1:

· Lift up the receiver.

· Wait about 7 to 10 seconds and this will automatically log into the answer machine service.

Option 2:

· Lift up the receiver.

· Dial 1210. (For immediate access to the answer machine service).

From Another Phone in Spain or Abroad:

· Call your own number (if someone answers when you call home then this prevents you checking your messages).

· Interrupt your welcome message by pressing the (star) * key.

· Type in your personal access code (0000 is not permitted).

· You now have access to your home message service from another place.

· When finished hang up the phone as normal, this will disconnect you from the message service.

Dealing with the message options:

You have the following options available to you when you access your messages:

If you have messages, new, old, stored – then you will hear the following three options:

· Press 1 to listen to your messages.

· Press 2 to store your messages.

· Press 3 to delete your messages.

If you have no messages you will hear the following:

(The answer machine service informs you that you have no new messages) followed by the following three options:

· Press 2 for message options.

· Press 1 personal options.

· Press 0 to exit.

Notification of New Messages or Missed Calls

Service available from Domo telephones (possibly works with other telephones that have a flash indicator but

this cannot be guaranteed).

To activate or deactivate the flashing light indicator on your Domo telephone handset. (The light flashes

indicating that you have received a new call or message.

· Press Mensajes or dial 1210 to enter the answer machine service.

· Press 1 for Personal Options.

· Press 3 for notification of new messages.

· Press 4 to activate or deactivate the flashing indicator on the telephone.

· Press 1 to confirm the change.