[mk_page_section order_color=”#e5e5e5″ bg_color=”#dd1a22″ bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false” enable_3d=”false” speed_factor=”0″ top_shadow=”false” section_layout=”full” min_height=”100″ padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ last_page=”false” bg_video=”no” mp4=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/dtmedia.mp4″ webm=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/dTmedia.webmsd.webm” video_mask=”false” video_opacity=”0.4″ full_height=”false” first_page=”true” border_color=”#878787″ attachment=”scroll”][vc_column width=”3/4″][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ style=”false” color=”#ffffff” size=”22″ font_weight=”bolder” letter_spacing=”0″ margin_top=”35″ margin_bottom=”25″ font_family=”none” align=”left” animation=”left-to-right”]Das Beste Verkaufspaket mit grundgebühr, ADSL, Anrufe & UK TV.

[/mk_fancy_title][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][mk_button dimension=”outline” size=”medium” outline_skin=”custom” outline_active_color=”#fff” outline_hover_color=”#4f4f4f” text_color=”light” icon=”moon-rocket” target=”_self” align=”left” fullwidth=”false” margin_top=”35″ margin_bottom=”25″ animation=”right-to-left” url=”http://direct-telecom.es/dt-total/”]dT TOTAL > mehr[/mk_button][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][mk_icon_box title=”

” text_size=”16″ font_weight=”bold” read_more_txt=”Details” icon=”moon-phone-2″ style=”boxed” icon_size=”medium” icon_location=”top” circled=”false” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_circle_color=”#dd3333″ box_blur=”false” title_color=”#222222″ txt_color=”#595959″ margin=”0″ animation=”scale-up” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first” rounded_circle=”false” icon_circle_border_color=”#ffffff” read_more_url=”http://direct-telecom.es/lines-and-calls/”]Sparen Sie bis zu 88% mit unser billig-Service anrufe und endern Sie ihre Festnetzgrundgebühr an Direct Telecom mit dT Onebill. Alles was Sie brauchen um geld zu sparen! Internationalen anrufen für weniger als 3,3 Cent pro minute ( 3,9 Cts mit IVA oder 3,5 Cts mit IGIC).


[/mk_icon_box][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][mk_icon_box title=”

” text_size=”16″ font_weight=”bold” read_more_txt=”Details” icon=”moon-radio” style=”boxed” icon_size=”medium” icon_location=”top” circled=”false” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_circle_color=”#dd3333″ box_blur=”false” title_color=”#222222″ txt_color=”#595959″ margin=”0″ animation=”scale-up” width=”1/1″ rounded_circle=”false” icon_circle_border_color=”#ffffff” read_more_url=”http://direct-telecom.es/internet/”]Geniessen Sie eine schnelle und zuverlässige internet verbindung mit ein mehrsprachigen Technischen Support Service für weniger als 1€ pro tag. Geben Sie einen genauern blick auf die möglichkeiten zu ihre anforderung und ihre erwartungen zu erfüllen. Monatlich verbindet ab 29,90€ ( 36,18€ mit IVA oder 31,99€ mit IGIC).


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” text_size=”16″ font_weight=”bold” read_more_txt=”Details” icon=”moon-tv” style=”boxed” icon_size=”medium” icon_location=”top” circled=”false” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_circle_color=”#dd3333″ box_blur=”false” title_color=”#222222″ txt_color=”#595959″ margin=”0″ animation=”scale-up” width=”1/1″ el_position=”last” rounded_circle=”false” icon_circle_border_color=”#ffffff” read_more_url=”http://dtmedia.tv”]dT Media TV ist der beste Weg, um live UK TV KOSTENLOS in Spanien. Sie geniessen 14 Tagen Catchup-TV. Sie können fernsehkanal anschauen und sonstiger fernsehkanale auf ihren iPad.[/mk_icon_box][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”15″ margin_bottom=”15″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][/vc_column][/vc_row][mk_page_section order_color=”#e5e5e5″ bg_color=”#f6f6f6″ attachment=”scroll” bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false” enable_3d=”true” speed_factor=”0″ top_shadow=”true” section_layout=”full” min_height=”50″ padding_top=”80″ padding_bottom=”50″ margin_bottom=”10″ last_page=”false” bg_video=”yes” mp4=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/slides/dtmedia.mp4″ webm=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/slides/dtmedia.webmhd.webm” video_mask=”false” video_opacity=”0.2″ full_height=”false” first_page=”false”][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_image src=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/dTmedia_TV.png” image_width=”400″ image_height=”130″ lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_blank” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”center” animation=”top-to-bottom” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first” crop=”false” link=”http://dtmedia.tv” margin_bottom=”10″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][mk_icon_box title=”What is dT Media TV?” text_size=”18″ font_weight=”bolder” read_more_txt=”Watch Now!” read_more_url=”http://dtmedia.tv” icon=”icon-play-sign” style=”boxed” icon_size=”small” rounded_circle=”false” icon_location=”top” circled=”false” box_blur=”true” margin=”35″ animation=”fade-in” icon_circle_border_color=”#dd1a22″ icon_color=”#dd1a22″ icon_circle_color=”#ffffff”]dT Media TV ist der bester Weg um Live UKTV anschauen zu können und geniessen sie 14 tagen Catchup.[/mk_icon_box][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_moving_image src=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/comunnity.png” axis=”tossing” align=”center” title=”Why we’re different” animation=”fade-in”][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ style=”false” color=”#222222″ size=”32″ font_weight=”normal” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ font_family=”none” align=”center” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last” letter_spacing=”0″]Warum Sind Wir anders?


[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ style=”false” color=”#808080″ size=”16″ font_weight=”normal” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”18″ font_family=”none” align=”center” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last” letter_spacing=”0″]Unser Ziel ist, Produkten und Dienstleistungen anbieten um geld zu sparen.

[/mk_fancy_title][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″]Uns macht es spass, was wir tun, wir sind in der meinung dass, das Leben mehr spass macht dank der technologie und diesen optimismus teilen wir. Wir sind der meinung das technologie sollte das leben leichter machen, so gestalten wir Dienstleistung um zu sparen. Wir sind eine menschliche gesellschaft und hören unsern kunden zu. Jede kritik die wir bekommen wird konstruktiv benutzt um unseren service zu verbessern.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first”][mk_dropcaps content=”C” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]Unser belohnung ist die kundenzufriedenheit.

Da die produkte und dienstleistungen vermehren und immer komplexer werden, entscheiden sich kunden immer mehr für einziger anbieter. Mit dem dreifach angebot. Mehr als 45% unseren kunden haben zwei oder mehrere unsern produkte. Durch den erfolg unseren paketen, mit anrufen, Breitband Internet und Digital TV.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_accordions style=”fancy-style” action_style=”accordion-action” open_toggle=”-1″ container_bg_color=”#ffffff” width=”1/3″ el_position=”last”][vc_accordion_tab icon=”mk-moon-paper-plane” title=”Vision and Mission”][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]Eine hohe qualität , günstigere kosten, produkte und Dienstleistugen zu bieten, für alle Elemente der Telekommunikation für die anforderung unserer kunden zu enthalten. Wir zeigen dass die Technologie nicht kompliziert ist, für unexperten und dass hochwertige Dienstleistugen, geld sparen kann . Wir wollen über das durchschnittliche höhe der Dienst zu gehen, um eine emotionale Auswirkung auf unsere kunden zu schaffen. Der genuss auf Technologie und kommunikation, wird  fast immer durch Familie, Freunde begleitet, bietet einen sehr einfacher, aber wunderbare geheimnisvoller weg.



[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab icon=”mk-icon-bullhorn” title=”Our Philosophy”][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]The philosophy of Direct Telecom is to model and advocate Communication & Technology as an means to mindfully enjoying life while saving money.  To that end we will strive to make our work a civilized, principled and compassionate part of our daily lives where Communicating reminds us that one needn’t look too far for a reason to be happy. We have work because our customers value our high-quality communications services. We deliver superior customer experiences through our products and our actions. Everything we do we build on a strong network, systems and process foundation. The quality and reliability of the products we deliver are paramount. Customers pay us to provide them with services that they can rely on. We focus outward on the customer, not inward. We make it easy for customers to do business with us, by listening, anticipating and responding to their needs. We know our products and can explain them to customers. We focus on fundamental execution. We are accountable and we follow through with a sense of urgency. We know that having the highest ethical standards is a competitive advantage. We know teamwork enables us to serve our customers better and faster. We embrace diversity and personal development not only because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it’s smart business. We are driven not by ego but by accomplishments. We keep our commitments to each other and our customers. Our word is our contract. We respect and trust one another, communicating openly, candidly and directly since any other way is unfair and a waste of time. We voice our opinion and exercise constructive dissent, and then rally around the agreed-upon action with our full support. Any one of us can deliver a view or idea to anyone else, and listen to and value another’s view regardless of title or level. Ideas live and die on their merits rather than where they were invented. We believe integrity is at the core of who we are. It establishes the trust that is critical to the relationships we have. We are committed to do the right thing and follow sound business practices in dealing with our customers, suppliers, owners and competitors. Our competitors are not enemies; they are challengers who drive us to improve. We are good corporate citizens and share our success with the community to make the world in which we work better than it was yesterday. We know that bigness is not our strength, best is our strength. Bureaucracy is an enemy. We fight every day to stay “small” and keep bureaucracy out. We are more agile than companies a fraction of our size, because we act fast and take risks every day. We see crisis and change as opportunities, not threats. We run to a crisis, not away. Change energises us. We work hard, take action and take personal accountability for getting things done. Our actions produce measurable results. Everything we do is built on the strong foundation of our corporate values. We know our best was good for today. Tomorrow we’ll do better. We are Direct Telecom.[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab icon=”mk-moon-cube-3″ title=”Services we offer “][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]- Installation of Telefónica / Movistar Land Lines – Low Cost Call service with Manual Prefix – Low Cost Call service without Manual Prefix (CPS) – Low Cost Call service & Line Rental with dT OneBill (no more Movistar invoices) – ADSL Internet Broadband connections on Telefónica/Movistar Land Lines with dT ADSL EU – ADSL Internet Broadband connections dT OneBill (dT Lite & dT TOTAL) no more Movistar invoices – Symmetric ADSL Internet Broadband for Businesses – AVM Fritz!Box MODEM/Router equipment – AVM Power Line Communication (PLC) & Wireless Repeater equipment – AVM DECT Telephone equipment & Accessories – Voice Over IP (VoIP) service for Residential Customers for FREE and even Cheaper calls – Voice Over IP (VoIP) service for Business Customers for FREE and even Cheaper calls – Virtual PBX services with Virtual Receptionist and 902/900 or 0844/0870 numbers for Business – Call Center solutions with RDSI (ISDN), RTB (PSTN), VoIP and VPN integration – Low Cost Mobile Telephony solution – WIMAX Wireless Internet solutions. – Live UK TV service with dT Media TV – UK TV Catch-up service with dT Media TV – Video On Demand service with dT Media TV – Live UK Radio service with dT Media TV – Movies service with dT Media TV   [/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][/vc_accordions][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”15″ margin_bottom=”15″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][/vc_column][/vc_row][mk_page_section border_color=”#e5e5e5″ bg_color=”#f0f0f0″ attachment=”scroll” bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false” enable_3d=”false” speed_factor=”0″ top_shadow=”false” section_layout=”full” min_height=”100″ padding_top=”50″ padding_bottom=”10″ margin_bottom=”0″ last_page=”false” bg_video=”no” video_mask=”false” video_opacity=”0.6″ full_height=”false” first_page=”false”][vc_column width=”2/3″][mk_clients count=”4″ order=”ASC” orderby=”menu_order” bg_color=”#f1f1f1″ border_color=”#f1f1f1″ height=”200″ autoplay=”true” target=”_blank” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first” style=”column” column=”4″ cover=”false” clients=”9774,8861,8864,8862,8863″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][mk_icon_box title=”Partners” text_size=”20″ font_weight=”normal” style=”simple_ultimate” icon_size=”small” icon_location=”left” circled=”false” icon_color=”#0bb697″ icon_circle_color=”#0bb697″ box_blur=”false” title_color=”#222222″ txt_color=”#666666″ margin=”30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”last” rounded_circle=”false”]Um einen richtigen service zu starten, ist entscheidend eine soliden partnersaft zusammen arbeitung. Wir erwarten von unseren partnersaft, viel mehr, so dass wir unsere kunden diesen vorteile anbieten können.[/mk_icon_box][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”90″ margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][mk_moving_image src=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/quotes.png” axis=”pulse” align=”center” title=”Quotes & Testimonials” animation=”fade-in”][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ style=”false” color=”#222222″ size=”32″ font_weight=”normal” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ font_family=”none” align=”center” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last” letter_spacing=”0″]Anzeigen, was andere kunden über uns sagen

[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ style=”false” color=”#808080″ size=”16″ font_weight=”normal” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”18″ font_family=”none” align=”center” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last” letter_spacing=”0″]Kunden sind der beste weg, um jeden tag neue kunden empfehlen durch ihre eigenen erfahrungen.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_divider style=”padding_space” divider_width=”full_width” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_testimonials style=”simple” show_as=”slideshow” column=”3″ skin=”dark” count=”10″ testimonials=”7656,7751,7753,7655,7639,7752,7648,7631,7760″ order=”ASC” orderby=”date” animation=”fade-in”][mk_button dimension=”outline” size=”medium” outline_skin=”dark” outline_active_color=”#fff” outline_hover_color=”#333333″ text_color=”light” icon=”moon-bubble-heart” url=”http://direct-telecom.es/about/” target=”_self” align=”center” fullwidth=”false” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”15″ animation=”scale-up” bg_color=”http://direct-telecom.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/favicon.png”]Kunde Bericht[/mk_button][mk_padding_divider size=”30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][/vc_column][/vc_row][mk_page_section border_color=”#e5e5e5″ bg_color=”#f6f6f6″ attachment=”scroll” bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”repeat” bg_stretch=”false” enable_3d=”false” speed_factor=”0″ section_layout=”full” min_height=”100″ padding_top=”60″ padding_bottom=”60″ margin_bottom=”0″ last_page=”true” bg_video=”no” video_mask=”false” video_opacity=”0.6″ top_shadow=”false” full_height=”false” first_page=”false”][vc_column width=”2/3″][mk_padding_divider size=”35″][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h3″ style=”false” color=”#333333″ size=”28″ font_weight=”300″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ font_family=”none” align=”center” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last” letter_spacing=”0″]Mochten Sie kontakt aufnehmen?


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